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Le blog de la classe de PS-MS bilingue n°3

25 juin 2013

Mini Zoo cancellation



Because of the rain, we cancelled the sortie/field trip. I will return your 40Kc on Thursday - my last day :(

Thank you so much for your end-of-the-year gifts. The biggest gift was teaching your children.


18 juin 2013

Amanda absent

Dear Parents,

I wanted to tell you that I will be back in class tomorrow. I thought you had been informed of my last two absences and I apologize for you not knowing. I have been doing professional development for Grade 1. In the fall, I will teach the bilingual Grade 1 or CP equivalent in French.

No worries, I will be in school tomorrow. My heart is still in PS/MS :) and if all goes well, I will see your children again and teach them again in a few years.

Enjoy this beautiful sunny day,





16 juin 2013

Two Field Trips Last Week of School


This note will be posted outside the classroom door but in the meantime, here is the message.

*Please let me or Karen know if your child is leaving early for summer vacation, thanks!


The last week of school, PS/MS C will go on 2 field trips with Amanda. All the PS/MS classes will go on this trip.

La dernière semaine les PS/MS iront en sorties scolaires avec Amanda.


Tuesday, June 25 with Amanda to the petting zoo above the Lycee.

Need: 1 parent PS, 1 parent MS

Depart: 9:50 am

Return: 11:50 am

Price per child: 40Kc


Mardi 25 juin, visite du zoo derrière le Lycée Français.

Nous avons besoin de 2 parents-accompagnateurs  (1PS+ 1MS)

Départ: 9:50 am

Retour: 11:50 am

Prix par eleve: 40Kc


Thursday, June 27 with Amanda to the castle (cannot remember the name right now but will post it!)

Depart: 8:45 am

Return: 3:00 pm

Entry for children 5 and under is free but we may ask you to pack a snack or a picnic lunch (more on this later)

Need: 3 parents PS, 2 parents MS


Jeudi 27 juin, visite du château ...................

Départ: 8:45 am

Retour: 3:00 pm

Participation par enfant: 0Kc 

Nous avons besoin de 5 parents-accompagnateurs (3PS+2MS)



9 juin 2013

End-of-year SHOW/SPECTACLE: please read the notebooks/cahiers de correspondance tomorrow


Tomorrow, your child will bring home their home-to-school correspondence book in which you will find a note about the show or spectacle on Friday, June 21 at 11:15. One note is your child's line for the show. Most of the lines in the play begin with "If I was (color), then I could be an (animal). We would love for the children to wear a T-shirt the same color as the one written in their line. For example:

If I was GREEN, I could be a turtle.

Question: What color T-shirt should this child wear?

Answer: Green! (Woohoo, easy. You get it.)


You can also practice these 3 songs in French:

1. Je mets des couleurs :

2. La famille tortue :
3. Dans sa maison un grand cerf  :

And these 3 songs in English:


Five Little Monkeys:


One Elephant Went Out to Play:


I Can See a Rainbow:


And last but not least, we will put a sign outside the classroom door, where you can sign up for a snack to contribute to the snack/party at the end of the show.

The more the merrier so bring your whole family and friends to see our play and applaude our talented students.

See you Tuesday!

Amanda & Karen

2 juin 2013

End-of-year show/Spectacle 21.06 at 11:15


Our farewell show willl take place on Friday, June 21st at 11:15 a.m. It will take place in our classroom. As we prepare for the show (a play and a set of songs), you can help us by practicing these two songs at home:

I Can Sing a Rainbow:

Je mets des couleurs

Later this week, we will send home a script as well as 3 more songs (3 in English, 3 in French).

Don't forget: this Tuesday, June 4, the Moyenne Section will go with Karen to the PLAY exhibition in Malostranska. If you have not paid, please bring in 60CZK.

Happy wet Sunday.





26 mai 2013

Happy Mother's Day and Field trips/les sorties

Hello, mothers and fathers,

We hope our classroom mothers are having a special day and that our students are spoiling you rotten and being trés, trés sage. Happy Mother's Day!

Last week, we started our unit on Transportation with "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!" This story was as big a hit as "Knuffle Bunny" (read back in the winter). The author/illustrator of both stories and many other favorites is Mo Willems. I highly recommend his books if you are building an English library.




Tied into this story, we learned "The Wheels On the Bus," an oldie but goodie. If you are building a library, as I mentioned above, and are looking for educational videos, Weston Woods is a great resource for such videos. Their videos are beautiful and timeless. Here is a clip from "The Wheels On the Bus" published by Weston Woods:

Next week, I will send home the transportation vocabulary.




The children learned a new song:
Jamais on n'a vu,
Jamais on ne verra,
La famille Tortue
Courir après les rats.
La papa Tortue
Et la maman Tortue
Et les enfants Tortue
Iront toujours au pas.

For Mother's Day, the children learned "Bonne fête petite maman".

Karen writes: Je souhaite à toutes les mamans de la classe une joyeuse fête des mères.
Bon dimanche et à demain.




The first two are finalized and even though the last two are still being organized, please put them on your calendars. They promise to be fun, engaging, and full of learning opportunities.

this Thursday with Amanda, 30th May: Museum of the small trains (whole class/90kc per child) 

next Tuesday with Karen, 4th June: Exhibition "PLAY" (MS pupils only/60kc per child)

**For the entire class trip this Thursday, I would like at least 2 parents to accompany me. Let me know if you are free to join us in the morning after snack.

25th June Sacré-Coeur Park + mini zoo (whole class/more details will follow)

27th JuneTočník castle day trip (include packed snack and lunch/ whole class)




18 mai 2013

Le temps qui passe ...


Pour commencer notre dernière période de l'année, Amanda et moi travaillons sur le thème, le temps qui passe, à travers les saisons, les mois et les jours de la semaine.

Les saisons: les élèves ont observé ce qui change dans la nature selon les saisons.

arbre automne











arbre hiver




          HIVER / WINTER







arbre printempsPRINTEMPS / SPRING

arbre été   


       ETE / SUMMER




Pour illustrer en chanson la saison actuelle, nous avons écouté "C'est le printemps" :

With Amanda, the children learned the song "Signs of Spring" :


Les jours de la semaine:



Pour retenir l'ordre des jours de la semaine, les enfants ont appris 2 chansons:

"Les jours de la semaine"

"L'empereur, sa femme et le petit prince"


En plus de notre thème "le temps qui passe", la semaine prochaine nous préparerons la fête des mères.

In preparation for Mother's Day the children read "Is Your Mama a Llama?" Please listen to the story and review the different animals:

Bon week end à tous.
21 avril 2013

Caterpillars, poems, and Hh....Zz.



Karen and I read "La Chenille Qui Fait Des Trous" or "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" - hopefully, you received the email earlier today with the word lists for this story.

In class, we have worked on the alphabet: letters Aa thu Gg. We work on one letter/day and spend Circle Time at the beginning of the day looking at it, drawing it, finding it in our names, sounding it out, singing it....etc. In GS, the children will really tackle the alphabet so for now, it is just a short lesson but the kids who don't know their English alphabet are learning it. Now, with only 20 more days remaining of English instruction, we have 19 more letters: Hh thru Zz. I cannot believe we have only 20 more days together! The time has flown. Here is the alphabet song if you do not know it:

We are still discussing "growing and changing" and to our "When I was a baby I could..." paintings in the hall, we have added "Now I am 5-years old (or 3,4- years old) and I can..." paintings. Please use the words "can" and "could" in sentences with your children. This class can do many things and it has been fun in sports (motricité) to call on the children to show us what they can do.

Karen and I noticed that the bulk of birthdays in PS/MS C fall in July and August. Please let us know if you would like to celebrate your child's summer birthday before the school year ends. We are happy to celebrate with them.

Lastly, this is poetry week at the Lycee and though our children are too young to recite a poem, if you would like to recite or read a poem to us, please do! I teach Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week and welcome you to read in the last 15 minutes before dismissal. Just let me know. Enthusiastic applause guaranteed.

Below, is a song that Karen has taught the children. Enjoy singing it at home and on that note, enjoy the rest of your Sunday night.





Un éléphant qui se balançait


Sur une toile, toile, toile,


Toile d'araignée.

Il trouvait ça tellement 

Tellement amusant


Que bientôt




Deux éléphants qui se balançaient


Sur une toile, toile, toile,


Toile d'araignée.

Ils trouvaient ça tellement 

Tellement amusant


Que bientôt



Trois éléphants qui se balançaient

8 avril 2013

Le poisson d'avril

En ce début du mois d'avril, nous parlons, chantons, décorons et fabriquons des poissons...

Notre chanson:
Des petits poissons dans l'eau

Les petits poissons dans l'eau,

Nagent, nagent, nagent, nagent, nagent                                                      

Les petits poissons dans l'eau,

Nagent aussi bien que les gros.


Les petits les gros

Nagent comme il faut,

Les gros, les petits

Nagent bien aussi.



Les petits poissons dans l'eau,

Nagent, nagent, nagent, nagent, nagent,

Les petits poissons dans l'eau,

Nagent aussi bien que les gros.



A la maison, si vos enfants ont des livres d'histoires sur les poissons, ils peuvent les apporter en classe et nous les raconterons aux autres élèves.

Par exemple: Arc-en ciel, le poisson - Le monde de Némo -

Merci d'avance.


Lundi 15 avril nous ferons la photo de classe des élèves.

On Monday, April 15th we will make the picture of the classmates.





7 avril 2013

Growth + Changes.....Glub, glub


Last week, we started our unit on growing and changing. We read a beautiful story titled "When I Was Little." This story gave us a framework to talk about what we could do when we were babies and what we can do as 3,4 and 5-year olds. This week, we will continue to talk about what we can do and how we are special.

*Please send in a baby picture of your child. I will use the picture for discussion only and will return it to you. Thank you.

We also studied frogs and began to look at the life cycle of frogs. Our new song, a frog song of course, is below. The children's favorite part is the Glub, glub at the end.

Wishing all of you a great week and a warm + sunny week (spring is coming!).


Five Green and speckled frogs,

Sat on a speckled log,

Eating some most delicious bugs,

Yum, Yum.

One jumped in the pool,

Where it was nice and cool,

Now there are only four green speckled frogs,

Glub, glub.

Four Green and speckled frogs,
Sat on a speckled log,
Eating some most delicious bugs,
Yum, Yum.
One jumped in the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Now there are only three green speckled frogs,
Glub, glub.

Three Green and speckled frogs,
Sat on a speckled log,
Eating some most delicious bugs,
Yum, Yum.
One jumped in the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Now there are only two green speckled frogs,
Glub, glub.

Two Green and speckled frogs,
Sat on a speckled log,
Eating some most delicious bugs,
Yum, Yum.
One jumped in the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Now there is only one green speckled frog,
Glub, glub.

One Green and speckled frog,
Sat on a speckled log,
Eating some most delicious bugs,
Yum, Yum.
One jumped in the pool,
Where it was nice and cool,
Now there are no green speckled frogs,
Glub, glub.

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