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Le blog de la classe de PS-MS bilingue n°3
21 avril 2013

Caterpillars, poems, and Hh....Zz.

Caterpillars, poems, and Hh....Zz.
Karen and I read "La Chenille Qui Fait Des Trous" or "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" - hopefully, you received the email earlier today with the word lists for this story. In class, we have worked on the alphabet: letters Aa thu Gg. We work on one letter/day...
8 avril 2013

Le poisson d'avril

Le poisson d'avril
En ce début du mois d'avril, nous parlons, chantons, décorons et fabriquons des poissons... Notre chanson: Des petits poissons dans l'eau Les petits poissons dans l'eau, Nagent, nagent, nagent, nagent, nagent...
7 avril 2013

Growth + Changes.....Glub, glub

Hello, Last week, we started our unit on growing and changing. We read a beautiful story titled "When I Was Little." This story gave us a framework to talk about what we could do when we were babies and what we can do as 3,4 and 5-year olds. This week,...
Le blog de la classe de PS-MS bilingue n°3
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